Saturday, August 31, 2019

Proper Citation, Quotation and Referencing Using the Publication Manual of the Apa, 6th Edition

Running head: PROPER CITATION, QUOTATION AND REFERENCING Proper Citation, Quotation and Referencing Using The Publication Manual of the APA, 6th Edition Sample Paper Free Essays Biffy Wentworth University PROPER CITATION, QUOTATION AND REFERENCING Proper Citation, Quotation and Referencing Using The Publication Manual of the APA, 6th Edition Every student at some time in his or her college career will be called on to write a term paper for a course. Many students have never learned, or have not been taught, the proper form of citation, quotation and referencing using the Publication Manual of the APA. When students use citations incorrectly, they are running the risk that they are plagiarizing the author of the text that they are referencing in their paper. Whether these errors are intentional or unintentional, they are difficult to overcome. If the citations are incorrect, many of the facts stated and referenced in the paper may be incorrect as well. This will reflect poorly on the outcome of the student’s grade for the paper being reviewed. And that is unfortunate, since it is within the student’s grasp to review the Publication Manual of the APA for proper information regarding citations and uotations. In this way, the papers have the best opportunity to be well written, well cited and an interesting format for everyone involved in the process. The 6th Edition is the latest version of the manual of style, and it is a well written guide PROPER CITATION, QUOTATION AND REFERENCING for students to follow when completing their college level term papers and written assi gnments. Most professors at the college level, expect students to know how to use the Publication Manual of the APA to reference the citations and quotations used in the papers the students present on arious assigned topics. When the students are able to utilize the Publication Manual of the APA correctly, the papers are reflective of solid references and correct citations, and will most likely earn a higher grade than those that are submitted with incorrect citations and notations. Students who utilize the Publication Manual of the APA, 6th Edition are referencing the best source for correctly giving credit to the authors of the information used within their term papers and assignments. It is imperative that students give credit where credit is due, and that hey learn to follow the manual of style for giving credit to the copyrighted work of authors used in their term papers submitted for review and grading. Students will need to use primary sources when referencing work cited with in the body of the paper they are writing. For example, if a student is writing a paper on saving the polar bears, it will be important to get the best sources for the paper and to provide correct citations for those sources used. Before a student can cite a source, it is important to note that some sources are better than PROPER CITATION, QUOTATION AND REFERENCING others. Many students will use library sources or books as sources for their assignments. There are also a variety of sources available on the internet. It is critical that students understand what to use and not to use as references for internet sources. If a student wants to write a paper on saving the polar bears, using a Wikipedia or blog as a reference point is not the best idea. These sources are actually just the writer’s personal opinion, and will rarely be backed by credible information. Also, if the student goes to a website that has strong views for or against the topic, he or she may be using a biased site that is less than rofessional. The best websites to use for this type of project would be sites that are university based, have been peer reviewed, or are part of larger scientific studies on the polar bears and efforts to save their habitats. It is true that an encyclopedia source will have some information regarding polar bears, but it is better to review scientific st udies from accredited sources, such as National Geographic or other well known sites. Many references will be found, and if they are good sources, they can all be used since seven references are better than using only two for a term paper. PROPER CITATION, QUOTATION AND REFERENCING Once the student has reputable sources, and is developing the topic for the paper, it is time to think about the sources themselves. When students are using citations in a paper, it is crucial to give credit to the author. This may be a problem, since some sources do not have an author listed, are anonymous without an author noted. Other sources do not have page numbers, are missing the date the text was written, or are internet sources that appear to be professional but can’t be verified. At this point, the student will want to use the Publication Manual of the APA, th Edition to find the correct way to make the citation. The student will want to make the point he or she is making, in his or her own words, and use the source citation as back up to solidify that point. For example, if the student says that global warming is affecting the polar bear’s habitat, it is an empty statement without some professionally grounded proof o f the fact. Students can make a statement in their paper, and use their sources as proof of what they declare. These notations are put right in the body of the term paper to show that they haven’t just made up the facts, that they come from a reputable and rofessionally reviewed source. The student makes a statement, and should then follow it with a source within the body of the paper as proof. The scheme of events will look like this: student PROPER CITATION, QUOTATION AND REFERENCING statement, then proof (with citation in the body of the paper), statement, then proof. The reader will appreciate the proof as backup to the statements being made, and it makes the statements have more power to be backed up by professionals who agree with what is said. Citations can be paraphrased or quoted directly within the body of the paper. In fact, the Publication Manual of the APA states that when there are direct quotations, the information varies depending on whether using print or electric form. When citing print sources, give the â€Å"author, year, and page number in parentheses† (Publication Manual of the APA, 2010, p. 120). When students are paraphrasing, which means boiling down the phrases into their own words, the idea from the original source must also be given proper credit. This means that the student should correctly cite, and put quotations around the text that was used, so that the reader can go ack and find the citation and the context it was used in the original text. Students may also need to make a citation for secondary sources within the body of a term paper. A secondary source is when the author quotes someone else, and makes a citation within the text the student is quoting from. It is like a double quote, or a quote within a quote for the student interested in using the words that the a uthor got from someone else. If this is done, PROPER CITATION, QUOTATION AND REFERENCING the student needs to remember to put the secondary source in the reference listing too. A roperly cited secondary source would need to include the name of the original work, and the citation for the secondary source (Publication Manual of the APA, 2010, p. 247). The text citation will look like this: Gleason and McLurkin’s study (as cited in Tressel, Roger, 1990). If the student is interested in using quotation marks, special care needs to be taken to get it right. A double quotation mark should be used around direct quotes taken from a text. A single quotation mark is used â€Å"within double quotation marks to set off material that is in the original source† (Publication Manual of the APA, 2010, p. 119). The student can use a block of text if there are more than 40 words that are going to be used in the quote. For example, if the student wants to discuss a direct quote longer than 40 words, it would be separated like this, with no quotation marks necessary. The quotation should be indented five spaces from the left margin, in the same position as a new paragraph (Publication Manual of the APA, 2010, p. 117). It would be typed double space, just as the paper is typed, and should include the author’s last name and the publication date as an introduction to the quote. It should PROPER CITATION, QUOTATION AND REFERENCING nd with the page number noted so that the reader could find the original text if necessary. Johnson’s (1998) study on polar bears found the following: Polar bears live in the Northern Hemisphere only. They are great swimmers and they can outrun a man while on land. They have an average weight of one ton, and they eat several hundreds of pounds of fish a day . Polar bears have been known to kill off whole populations of indigenous seals in certain localities. They are known to hunt individually, preferring not to hunt in packs. They are so large that they often have been known to fall through solid ice platforms, which is never fatal. p. 114) This block of quoted text above would need to be cited at the end of the paper. The citation for this made up quote about polar bears may look like this citation below, and would be placed at the end of the paper under the References section. Johnson, Jeremy P. & Babush, Max R. (1998). The Complexities of Studying the Great Polar Bear in the Wild. Journal of Wildlife Sciences, 10(9), 114-127. Finally, if students are carful in their use of quoted materials and citations within their term papers, they will be good stewards of the words spoken by others that are used as reference. PROPER CITATION, QUOTATION AND REFERENCING In this way, their term papers will have valid ideas and thoughts backed up by facts from reputable sources. The reader will have a better understanding of the topic, and the subject matter will be clearer with correctly referenced works from experts in the fields they are writing about and studying. PROPER CITATION, QUOTATION AND REFERENCING References American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th Edition: Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Friday, August 30, 2019

A Young Mans Song

Take a Chance The poem, The Young Man’s Song by William Butler Yeats creates an encouraging tone to convince people in taking a chance with love. The poem creates a symbolic meaning of taking a chance when the poem says, â€Å"Wherefore I threw a penny to find if I might love. † This line describes that people need to take a chance at love otherwise they may not get another chance. You have to throw the penny in order to take a chance. Go and love, go and love young man, If the lady be young and fair,† shows that the young man should go after this lady if she seems to be worth the effort. The young man should go after this lady before someone else does. This poem depicts the subject of love. The poem has an encouraging tone for people in love because it gives people hope that there is a chance for them to love. The mood is also similar because it is hopeful for the young man to gain love.These two help show the subject of the poem is love. This subject is shown in the theme by explaining that if you wait too long to go for love, then it may be too late. It is better to take a chance then to wait until it is too late. The poem describes how love cannot be understood fully by anyone so the goal should be to not become worried about love and to take a chance even if you’re not sure how it will end up.The poem says that a person would be thinking of love until the stars had run away which is describing how people may wait too long to express their love. This may mean that if you don’t take a chance now, then you may not get another chance in the future. The very end of the poem emphasizes this point when it says, â€Å"One cannot begin too soon. † This specific line gives the idea of throwing all your worries away and taking a chance because it is never too early to love.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Measuring And Managing Absenteeism In The Workplace

Productivity loss due to absenteeism is a serious growing challenge. We live in an absenteeism culture. Talking a day off and calling in sick is supported and encouraged by the society. Many people’s attitude is† The time is coming to us† (Robert F.Allen and Michael Higgens- the Absenteeism Culture. Becoming attendance oriented.) Unscheduled absenteeism is on the rise and the rates of absenteeism are at their highest since 1999. The major concern is that almost two out of three employees who do not show up aren’t physically ill or have challenging issues.Absence measurement and management is an increasingly growing body of knowledge and experience that managers apply to control and reduce absenteeism and its accruing costs. To ensure that the issue of absenteeism is effectively addressed, managers and supervisors-armed with the required guidance and training, need to understand the circumstances and factors surrounding absenteeism in the workplace, and thus actively participate in the company’s procedures and policies to effective curb absenteeism in the workplace.Employers attempt to cut down excessive employee absenteeism through tighter controls. They demand doctor’s report or use some other punitive mechanisms that targets symptoms of absenteeism rather than its causes. The problem will not go away unless the underlying root causes are removed. Building an attendance culture!How should absenteeism effectively be managed? Triggers or incentives? / Carrots or sticks?Introduction:Absenteeism from workplace has been on the increase and may be an indicative of poor morale, lack of motivation, sick building syndrome, poor organizational polities or mere indiscipline from the employees. However, many employers have introduced and implemented absence policies which make no distinction between absence for genuine reasons or illness and absence for inappropriate reasons.One of these policies is the calculation of the Bradford F actor, which only factors total number and frequency of individual absence into account, neglecting the kind of absence. 40 million days are lost each year in the UK, due to workplace absenteeism, 93% of employees say cold and flu are the reason for being away from work, but research has shown  that in reality, half of absenteeism in the workplace has nothing whatsoever to do with health. Workers decide to stay away from work for a host of other reasons relating to work and personal issues, which range from job de-motivation, low pay, lack of work life balance and occasional hangover.Absenteeism has been viewed traditionally as a breach of an implicit contract between employee and employer, as a management problem and has been framed in economic terms. This report will critically discuss the causes and effects of absenteeism in the workplace with the view to derive effective ways to measure and manage absenteeism. It will seek to understand absenteeism as an indicator of psycholog ical, social adjustment to work. 1. What do we mean by Absenteeism?According to dictionary, Absenteeism can be defined as habitual failure to appear, especially for work and other regular duty. The rate occurrence of habitual absence from work or duty. Absenteeism can be viewed as re-occurring absence from work, duty and obligation, thought to reflect employee demoralization or dissatisfaction. This can also be viewed as a breach of the implicit contract that exists between the employer and the employed. Simply put, Failure to report to or stay at work when scheduled is tagged absenteeism. 1.1 Absenteeism can be grouped into two categories –Involuntary/Innocent absenteeism: This is when absences are unavoidable and understandable. For instance Absences due to death in the family Pregnancy or Maternity issues Absences caused by illness or injury Car/ vehicle issues Other family related or personal issues Accidents and natural disasters Disability-related absentee ism- Human rights obligations Voluntary/Culpable Absenteeism: Voluntary absenteeism is an instance where an employee, out of his own freewill or laziness, chooses to stay off work. Absences in this case are avoidable. Missing work without advance notice, to go the cinema or watch football Making excuses for consistent late coming to workDeceitfully/fraudulently applying for sick leave or calling in ‘sick’Failure to report to work as scheduled or showing up late for no good reason 1.2 Causes of Absenteeism in the workplace There are various factors that could influence an employee to be absent at work. These factors are as followsPersonal Factors:Personal Attitude: individuals posses different attitudes and bring these attitudes forth to the workplace. Employees with strong workplace ethics will respect their work and appreciate their contribution to the organisation and as such, will not take unscheduled off from the workplace. Conversely, employees with low or without work ethics are in- disciplined and have behavioural issues. Because they feel no obligation to the organisation, absenteeism comes easily to them. Age: The age of an employee often affects their attitude to work.The younger the employees are often restless, they want to have fun and be with friends rather than being tied down with responsibilities. This leads to lack of ownership and usually leads to unscheduled and unauthorised time off. Gender: Women are usually challenged with balancing their time between work and home. Their families are always the utmost priority, thus they would rather be absent from work to sort out family issuesWorkplace Factors:Organizational Culture: Every organisation is a culture with its own norms. An organisation with an embedded absenteeism culture, screen played by its management and supervisors lack of commitment would encourage further employee absenteeismLack of Motivation and Rewards: The relationship between the organisation and its employees i s influenced by what motives them to work and the rewards and fulfilment they derive from it. Inability of managers or employers to motivate employees and meet their extrinsic and intrinsic needs would lead to lack if motivation and commitment hence, absenteeism in the workplaceAbsence of learning culture: Learning means change, thus can affect  organisations effectiveness. Employees love to work in an organisation where they would improve themselves and their career through organisational learning and knowledge management, which could be inculcated through coaching, mentoring, trainings and other explicit methods. In an organisation where a learning culture is absent, employees feel de-motivated, unsatisfied and feel their career growth is threatened.Hence they excuse themselves from work without authorisation in search for greater challenges and organisations where they would gain improve themselves. Stress at work: According to a report cited in Financial Times: ‘Stress a t work is the biggest problem in European companies’ Voluntary absenteeism takes place because employees are dissatisfied with their job; hence they feel stressed doing the work either because of the work load or unsuitable assigned roles. {Egs} wrongly assigning a customer service manager to manage treasury department, without adequate experience and training.Due to lack of adequate experience in the field and fixed timed deliverables and tasks, he feels stressed and harassed in the role and thus breaks down into stress or depression and seeks sick leave and abandons the job. Voluntary Absenteeism also takes place where the employees feel there is a strain on their psychological contract with the employer, this indirectly erupts lack of organizational commitment. This strain could develop to stress and impact on employee attendance to work.Leadership Style: An organization’s, team or unit leadership style could impact on employee commitment, job satisfaction with impr oved or impaired participation and attendance to work. While Democratic and laissez fair leadership style encourages shared decision making, shared responsibility, creativity and participation and can be highly motivational, which enhances teamwork and interpersonal relations. Autocratic and paternalistic leadership styles could de-motivate and alienate employees. Employees might feel less important in the organisation, hence the need to avoid work. Work Routine and lack of Change: doing the same job or task over a long period of time can get monotonous.The employees get bored and thus might choose to take unauthorised time off to do something he considers interesting than going to work. Job Satisfaction: if employees do not find their work interesting, satisfying and challenging, they feel dissatisfied, which leads  to increased absenteeism in the workplace Work life balance: Organisation who not factor employee’s roles and work life such that a balance is stroked with wor k and the individual’s personal life commitments and family would experience increased employee absenteeism. Conflict in the workplace: ultimately increases chances of employee absenteeism.Lack of team spirit: A team that lacks unity, synergy and good interpersonal relationship amongst its members, will be a weak and unproductive. Such team members will lack team spirit-the spirit that bonds individuals in a team. This lack of team spirit can de-motivate team members, make them work in isolation, they would lack the sense of belonging, love and satisfaction. There would exist, fears of the unknown, lack of trust for team members. These feelings will encourage an employee to stay off work. Social Factors: factors such as difficult community circumstances like High crime and intimidation rates which constitutes fear in employee’s catalyses absenteeism in the workplace. Other social factors are – Lack of transportation/transport facilitiesPoverty levels Malnutritio n HIV/AIDS Labour Strikes 1.3 Effects of Absenteeism in the workplaceWhen a company has an absentee problem, it has a profit problem. Absenteeism can take a deep financial toll on any business, whether a small or multinational company. There are also other significant effects associated with excessive absenteeism: Decreased Productivity: in a team of people doing interrelated tasks, if one persistent remains absent or fails to deliver, it creates a domino effect on productivity. It affects employee/team morale: this is due to the fact that additional stress are places on employees who act as replacements or assume additional tasks for absenteesAbsenteeism causes disruptions in the workplace and impacts on the SLA’s It affects customer service levels, turnaround times, customer loyalty and satisfaction. It affect or disrupts effective team formation and operations It may create a perception of unfairness amongst employeesIt affects the bottom-line 2.0 Measuring Absenteeism2.1 Why measure absenteeism?It is pertinent to measure the rate of absenteeism in the workplace. Measuring employee’s absenteeism is a good way to measure Overall Labour Effectiveness (OLE) in the workplace, which is a key performance indicator (KPI) that measures the utilization, performance and quality of the workforce and its impact on productivity. Monitoring staff absence rates helps to trace the pattern of employee attendance.To monitor and check dead times, in the workplace, to derive and measure resources and costs incurred due to employee absenteeism with the aim of devising effective methods to manage absenteeism in the workplace. In measuring absenteeism in the workplace, we derive the ratio of its administrative, financial and productivity cost to the organisation which will enable development of strategies to curb absenteeism while rechanneling resources more effectively to effect the bottom-line positively.Administrative costs of Absenteeism:Time consumed in control ling absenteeism Time consumed in sourcing replacements and re-assigning duties. Supervisor’s time Financial Costs: this are the costs accruing form Overtime costs Replacement employee costs Training costs Over staffing costs Productivity Costs: Replaced productivity and loss of output costs the costs of supporting replacement employees Costs accrued in training new or replacement staff/hiring temp staff Substandard production2.2 Ways of Measuring AbsenteeismThe Total Tim lost: Number of person-days lost through job absence during period X 100 (Average number of employees) x (Number of Work days)This rate also can be based on number of hours instead of number of days. The â€Å"individual frequency† formula: This is calculated as thus : Individual frequency = (Num of Absent Employees/Average Number of Employees) x100 The Bradford Factor or Bradford Formula: According to the Chartered Institute of Personal and Development, the term was first coined due to its supposed c onnection with research undertaken by the Bradford University School of Management in the 1980s. It was developed as a way of highlighting the misappropriate level of disruption on an organisation’s performance that can be caused by short-term employee absence compared to incidences of prolonged absence. In contrast, it is considered short-sighted and unlikely to be successful which could lead to staff dissatisfaction and grievances. The Bradford factor can be calculated as follows:B= S2 x D where: B is the Bradford Factor score S is the total number of spells(instances) of absence of an individual over a set period D is the total number of days of absence of that individual over the same set period The ‘set period’ is typically set as a rolling 52 week period. For example:1 instance of absence with a duration of 15 days (1x 1 x 5)= 5 points 4 instances of absence; one of one, one of four and one of six days (4 x 4 x 5) =80 points 6 instances of absences ;each fo r two days (6 x 6 x 5) = 180 points However, the Bradford factor has been critiqued for its limited and short-sightedness in effectively measuring absenteeism, this is because it only factors total number and frequency of individual absence into account, neglecting the kind of absence.Again, the Bradford factor is a generic process and would be inappropriate to implement on disabled employees this is because certain disabilities require higher days of absence. Employers are bound by law e.g. The British Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005 (DDA) to tailor their actions to the individual circumstances of  disabled employees and failure to provide these reasonable adjustments by employers may lead to civil actions or breach of DDA in employment tribunal 3.0 Managing absenteeism:Absenteeism: A cultural problemEvery organisation is a culture, with its own norms that constitute the expected, supported and accepted ways of behaving. These norms are most times unwritten and advice people on the code of conduct. The existing culture and norms influences everyone’s perception of the business, from the CEO to the newly hired employee. Management’s behaviour has a special impact on organisational behaviour as relates to absenteeism, this is because of its modelling influence. Investigations have shown that absenteeism was/is directly traceable to the group norms established by leadership, the work environment and group expectations. Each group had similar illness records, it was the norms that dictated, and almost predictably, whether people showed up for work.Absenteeism is often symptoms of larger organisational problems and can be managed as thus: Leadership modelling and commitment: Managerial commitments and participatory culture have an important impact on attendance. E.g. in a retail company, a manager who demonstrated little commitment to attendance practices recorded one of the highest absenteeism rates in his organisation. Work motivation and rewards: Motivation in the work place is the driving force to achieve employee job satisfaction and commitment. This motivation could be Extrinsic or Intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation relates to the tangible rewards e.g. Salary, security, promotion and conditions of work.While,  Intrinsic motivation relates to the psychological rewards which includes; a sense of challenge and achievement, participation and appreciation from the employer. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; the expectancies of an employee from the employer are captured as thus- Motivated employees overcome obstacles to make it to work. The key to reducing employee absenteeism is to create a culture where employees want to come to work. Effective Groups and Team Building: groups and teams are essential features of the work pattern of organisations.These include formal and informal groups, project and virtual teams. Effective group and team building  encourages inter personal relationships, fulfils the individuals psychological need of love and belonging, encourages organisational learning and communication while reducing conflicts in the organisation. This ultimately gives employees, sense of belonging and contribution, job satisfaction and an increased love for the job which will be evidenced in attendance rate. Recruitment and selection: Employers should recruit employees with good attendance records. This information should be included in references.Employee orientation and training: Attendance norms should be established the first day on the job. These norms are inculcated at inductions and orientation sessions. Performance Appraisal: this can boost employee attendance rates. Management should attach attendance rates to performance appraisals, if employees are aware that attendance would be a part of their appraisal, they would minimise unnecessary absence from work.Conclusion:Organisational culture is a key factor that affects the norms and modus operandi of an organisat ion. Thus the leaders and manager have a great job of making effective decisions and inculcation the required culture through policies and examples. Creating an attendance-oriented culture requires a complete corporate commitment to encourage attendance rather than manage absenteeism. This would be a significant shift because an absenteeism culture not only cost millions of pounds, but also impedes the development of human resources, reduces organisation’s competitive advantage and affects the bottom-line My case study illustrating the causes, effects and how to manage absenteeism is evidenced in my reflective writing.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Cognitive psy-week 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cognitive psy-week 1 - Essay Example Milgram’s classic yet controversial experiment illustrates people's reluctance to confront those who abuse power. He uses research methods tools like controlled observation and case study to find underlying causes to investigate the psychological effects on individuals who are pressurized to act in a way that they personally might not approve of. References Milgram, S. (1974). Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View. New York: Harper and Row. . Compare and contrast the methods, and highlight their relative strengths and weaknesses. There are several advantages of adopting a case study method to conduct research. Firstly through the use of this method there is sufficient room for the researcher to explore solutions for situations that are complex in nature. They aid in providing a focus on specific characteristics and enable the accumulation of a wide range of data which results not only in the development of analytic and problem solving skills but also adds on to the stre ngth of previously conducted research (Sternberg, 2009). However one weakness could be inaccuracy or inconclusive results if insufficient information is present. Another weakness can be if observed too closely the subjects might change their behavior. To combat this very weakness Milgram introduced the research tool of controlled observation which helped the manipulation of variables to induce situations which the researcher is most interested in. One disadvantage, one which is also a criticism of Milgram’s study, is that of a lack of ecological validity. This according to Sternberg (2009), is a key ingredient which determines the scope, relevance and practical application of a experiment. References Brown, R. (1986). Social Forces in Obedience and Rebellion. Social Psychology: The Second Edition. New York: The Free Press Sternberg, R. (2009). Cognitive psychology (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. Assignment # 4 Respond to at least one of your colleagues' po stings who chose a method different from the one you wrote about. The breech in social class leading to a disparity in facilities and the aid provided for academic success resulting in such a huge gap in scores of the two social classes is indeed a commendable observation. The fact that this observation is verified with the provision of the facts by the Department of Education adds an element of validity to this observation. The controlled experiment design suggested is well developed and naturalistic observation would give the experiment an essence of ecological validity. Furthermore the detailed compare and contrast of the two methods is a reflection of the clear understanding of what these two research tools entail. The research suggested compels an individual to question if IQ isn’t the key factor determining intelligence what really is? Also are aiding facilities provided in the educational institutes and an individual’s personal life that critical in determining academic

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Environmental economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Environmental economics - Essay Example According to Berlin, steps are underway to enable Germany meet its target to cut down carbon emissions by the year 2020 (Thomas n.p). The emissions will be down by 40% and later will do away with fossil and nuclear form of energy. The plan will affect companies’ profits from power plants as the government subsidizes the renewed energy. However, there is a rise in the cost of electricity, as consumers have to meet the costs of the subsidies for renewable sources of energy. The economy of Germany is growing well despite the rising costs of energy and has managed to reduce the energy intensity. Germany has become the largest exporter of solar inverters by the help of its renewable energy Act passed in 2000.Solar photovoltaic cells have provided cheap energy for the residents reducing the cost of electricity (Thomas n.p). Germany is aiming at the smart energy management concept by creating smart homes to create more comfort. Economics is an area that focuses on the growth of the economy in various ways such as job creation and other forms of developments. Renewable energy industry creates many jobs in Germany as highlighted in the article with individuals working in the industries that manufacture cells and another gadget that use solar, the wind, or wave energy. Employment is one of the major factors affecting the economy and since it leads to high incomes and a high standards of living. Development of the renewable energy facilitates and promotes developments in Germany with many people buying shares in the power generating companies (Thomas n.p). Since the renewable energy sector is labour intensive, many people are employed and can save for further investments. The payments received by the landowners in Germany after the company installs windmills in their land increases their income. Adoption of strong policies for the renewable energy will enable

W5-Data Security Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

W5-Data Security Policy - Essay Example Modern technology poses modern confronts to the protection of entity privacy which existing (Laudon & Laudon, 1999). Privacy is the declaration of individuals to be theft alone, free from observation or intrusion from other individuals of organizations as well as the state. Declarations to privacy are also caught up at the place of work. Information technology and system pressure individual declarations to privacy by making the incursion of privacy inexpensive, cost-effective, and efficient (Laudon & Laudon, 1999). Organizational information security strategies, measures, and standards are entirely significant reflections. Organization has to properly file and put into practice a successful information safety plan. Every category of such information safety serves a diverse function. The W5-Data Security Policy incorporates following main points regarding the organizational data (W5-data security Policy, 2009) Security risk: The data and information security risk can be illustrated as the intensity of affect on organization activities (comprising operational jobs, illustrations, or status), organization possessions, or individuals ensuing from the procedure of an business information arrangement offers the possible influence of a hazard and the probability of that intimidation occurring (Rebecca, 2007). The above section has presented the possible hazard situation is business. Such situation can lead to lot of possible information exploitation cases. Like that any worker can take information regarding any customer and blackmail him for some reason. That will make some bad image of the company information management. Lot of customers will hesitate to provide their information or even do no come to that company. This will case a serious business problem. Data security procedures illustrate how to put into practice the data security strategy. Actions articulate the gradually comprehensive events essential to effectively fulfill a job that chains the

Monday, August 26, 2019

The trade relations between China and the U.S Essay

The trade relations between China and the U.S - Essay Example (Morrison 4). Currently, China’s market for U.S products is estimated to be worth $300 billion judging from the exports from U.S to China and the total sales of U.S firms based in China (Morrison 8). As such, U.S-China trade ties have defied all the odds to remain strong with prospects of increase in trade despite the differences between the two trading partners. One aspect that makes trade between China and U.S interesting phenomena is the growing trade ties despite the complex relationships marked by major tensions. One of the major challenges that results in these tensions, in the trade is the difference in the market economies of the two countries, which though significant has been overlooked in the developing trade ties between the two countries. While U.S is a capitalist country that favors free economy policies, China has adamantly resisted the move to shift to a free economy market despite the growing pressure from the global markets (Morrison 26). As such, the country still imposes policies that lead to distortion of trade and investments. Some of the areas that have resulted in trade tensions include China’s poor policies in the management of intellectual property rights (Morrison 28). Others as Morrison explains are an increasing tendency where some Chinese firms are involved in cyber espionage against many U.S firms, a mov e that had threatened relations between the two countries. As such, the growing trade between the two countries has defied such tensions, which may suggest the two counties hold resources of strategic impotence in international trade, which overshadows the existing tensions. Government intervention in the Chinese market is another concept that affects the trade ties between the two countries, and impacts negatively on U.S. Some of the political factors include the reluctance of China to meet its obligations as set out by the World Trade Organization, use of market policies that force foreign firms to transfer technology

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Copyright Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Copyright Issues - Essay Example he originator realized that their contribution has received acknowledgement in different regions, and there is no mention of their name and contribution. Copyright laws have provided concrete protection to the misuse of art, however it fails to up bring and provides opportunities to other artist to work upon and carry forward the work of other master piece. Copyright laws have banned the duplication or any other form of plagiarisms, neither has it permitted any form of alteration or modification efforts of the individual for the improvement of the work piece. Therefore if Copyright laws are positive step towards protection of the master piece, however it has taken an offensive step against the emerging artist who seeks alteration in previous master piece. Therefore it is really important for the artist community to understand that the implementation of copyright laws have narrowed the spectrum of creativity that the young artist possessed to launch and experiment their skills in earl y stages. Internet has so far being partially successful in execution and implementation of the copyright laws, initially the services and offerings of the internet operated not under any international copyright agreement. During this period it was observed that the emerging artist seek guidance from the masterpiece available, this practice was enhancing their skills, but later when few of those involved themselves into malpractice the society realized that copyright laws needed to be implemented internationally. The positive aspects was ignored i.e. skills and motivations of the young artist was improving. The internet regulation and monitoring is however stable in developed countries, it is saddening to observe that in many developing countries like China, Pakistan and India, internet is still the frequent mode of plagiarism, all this is under the notice of the internet agencies based in United States and Europe, but no action has been taken because such regulations and violations

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Information system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Information system - Essay Example During his visit, he met Nandan Nilekani, then CEO of Infosys, one of India’s major IT companies and after one such meeting with him understood how world has become a â€Å"level playing field† and thus flatter. â€Å"Alas, I encountered the flattening of the world quite by accident†¦I was visiting the Indian high-tech capital, Bangalore†¦At one point, summing up the implications of all this, Nilekani uttered a phrase that rang in my ear†¦Tom, the playing field is being leveled.† (Friedman 2005). Globalization in hand with technology particularly IT has first ‘flattened’ the competitive field in IT sector and in other business sectors, secondly, made geographical boundaries invisible and thirdly, aided many Third World countries to elevate their economic status. So, this paper will critically analyze these IS centric arguments of Friedman using the principles of Information needs of organizations and Socio-technical systems Friedman divides globalization into three historical phases and also points out the key force which influenced globalization in each phase, and how the world became smaller after each phase. He terms the first phase as Globalization 1.0 and states that starting from the year 1492 and till 1800, the world shrunk from a large size to a medium size, with the mindset of people of those times to discover new places, search for places with resources and imperialistic tendencies, acting as the influencing force. Then, Globalization 2.0 was visible from 1800 to 2000, during which companies due to opening up of markets by various countries and importantly due to advancement of technologies, started globalizing and accessing new countries, thereby reducing the size of the world even further. Finally, Friedman writes about Globalization 3.0, which started around 2000 and is still continuing with more development. He states that in this present

Friday, August 23, 2019

What Is Meant By the Term Postmodernism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

What Is Meant By the Term Postmodernism - Essay Example The essay "What Is Meant By the Term Postmodernism" discovers postmodernism. Debates about postmodernism began in around 1979 with Jean- Franà §ois Lyotard article â€Å"The Postmodern Condition.† In this essence, the work analyzes The Simpsons. The work borrows from the perspectives Lyotard’s views about postmodernism. The Simpsons series is a vivacious television program produced by Matt Groening. The series depicts postmodernism through the sarcastic illustration of the lifestyle Simpson Family, a middle-class household in America. Simpson is a perfect indication of postmodernism. It explains the frolics of a dysfunctional family. The father figure of the family is a drunkard while the wife is a hard working person. Their ten-year-old child, Bart is an underachiever who is proud of his status. Lisa is a genius girl but feels unappreciated while the last-born is an introvert but loving. The contrasting characters in the series present the dilemmas of postmodernism fa milies. The authoritative series illustrates cultural and political concerns of a postmodern family. Notably, it shows the reversed gender roles common with postmodernism structures. Simpsons casting has a cumulative influence on culture.The reversed roles in the families usurp common traditions hence, explaining the concept of grand narratives. The Simpsons has fundamentals of a great narrative postmodernism. Watching the episodes takes the audience through an experience in which philosophy of the principal regime dominates on knowledge.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Christians Should Not Take Part In Sport Or Shopping Essay Example for Free

Christians Should Not Take Part In Sport Or Shopping Essay The important thing about this statement is that it can be argued two ways. Many people would see sport or shopping as a chore therefore related to work. Others would argue that it is a leisure activity and it is not work. With this in mind the church instated a law saying that all Catholics must attend mass on a Sunday. The Catholic Church itself has no laws or restrictions about shopping or playing sport on a Sunday. By tradition Sunday was the holy day separated and set aside by the fact the mass going was essential to the days activities. In The Old testament there is a saying in the book of Ecclesiastes saying there is a set and provide time for everything which basically means people should balance out there time between things. In todays society were everything is on the move and rushed priorities should be examined and people should use the gift of time wisely. God himself as many believed set down the day of worship. Sunday has three main important events, which coincide with this day. One: Jesus rose from the dead on this day.  Two: Sunday was the first Day of the week and the first day of creation.  Three: Jesus sent down the Holy Spirit On The Pentecost.  Sunday is also a day of celebration when Catholics come together to give praise to God and to thank God for what he has given all of them.  Sport nowadays has become big business for all involved. Among all the big names in sport no one objects to playing on Sundays because of all of the money involved. This is just a small list of all the sports that are being played on Sundays Although sport is played on money for reasons other the money many include because of TV rights and because of sponsors. Christians should not take part on sport on Sunday because sport is seen as work in the churchs eyes. Many values are expressed in sport such as sportsmanship, fairplay etc.  Shopping is the second of the changing faces of Sunday is becoming the most popular one. Many family lifestyles revolve around the parents work and therefore many parents only get to see their children at the weekends. The weekend is often regarded as the days to get the shopping done and many rely on Sunday heavily. Since seven day shopping was legalised in 1977, many have taken advantage over the law. Teresa Murray head of the N. Ireland Region Of Shopping Centres said Sunday Shopping has become like a leisure pursuit for families and has become an important trading day for people in business. Business provides a service and depending on the demand it either succeeds or fails and on Sunday nowadays shopping has become a demand so in order to make money business open for the maximum hours allowed which is six. Many working families dont have much time to spend so end up using Sunday to spend time with there children or getting tings that they could get during the week such as grocery shopping. All the added time spend on Sundays has increased the employment needed for Sundays. Bob Gourley head of N. Ireland Shop Workers Union said they had been opposed to the Sunday trading laws and had in fact boycotted them for many years but however hard they try Sunday trading has become a reality. Our workers only work on Sunday where it is done by agreement

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Show manliness Essay Example for Free

Show manliness Essay How does A View from the Bridge show manliness, hostility and aggression? In the play A View from the Bridge Eddie Carbone plays the protagonist. Eddie has a very particular view of what it means to be a man and in this sense is the main example of manliness, hostility and aggression in the play. Manliness, hostility and aggression are a big part of existence and of living in the play. Arthur Miller creates this by using the characters against each other, always challenging each one then the other. Throughout the play the audience are reminded of Eddies manliness and what he believes to be manly. The audience are fed an idea of what Eddie presumes to be manliness right from the start of the play. Catherine has just told Eddie that she has got a job as a stenographer, but Eddie thinks that she should stay at school. Catherine then uses the argument that shell be earning $50 a week. Eddie reacts angrily to this look did I ask you for money and then claims, I supported you this long I can support you a little more this gives the indication that Eddie believes that a man should be supporting the family and should go out of his way to make sure his niece doesnt need to go to work. Eddie then gives his views of manliness by judging Rodolfos way of living in an argument with Beatrice about Rodolfos friendliness with Catherine. Beatrice thinks he is a nice boy but Eddie doesnt like him because he sings on the ships, didja know that he then goes on to say that the other men think the same way as him because theyre callin him paper doll, theyre callin him Canary. Hes like a weird Beatrice then argues with Eddie that he is adjusting to American life but Eddie begins to compare him to his brother Marco why dont his brother sing Marco goes around like a man; nobody kids Marco. This is showing that Marco is what he views as a man and Rodolfo isnt. Later Eddie talks to Alfieri, his lawyer, about what he can do to stop Rodolfo seeing/marrying Catherine. He tells Alfieri the guy aint right he claims that the fact that Rodolfo is a blond guy and if you close the paper fist you could blow him over This is saying that to be manly a man should not only act like a man but must look like a man. This is backed up when he says that Rodolfo sings like a woman sometime he hits a note I mean high and if you came in the house you wouldnt be lookin for a him you be lookin for her Eddie keeps on complaining about how Rodolfo makes dresses and a man shouldnt be making dresses he should be buying them he takes the dress cuts it up; one-two-three he makes a new dress. In Act two Eddie shows again what it means to be a man. He fights Rodolfo and pins his arm. Catherine is watching and he is trying to show her that Rodolfo isnt a man because he cant break Eddies grip. He then tells Alfieri about it and explains why Rodolfo isnt a man Im tellin you I know he aint right. Somebody that dont want to break your grip can break it he didnt give me the right kind of fight Mr Alfieri the guy aint right. This is showing that Eddie believes that a man should be strong and if he wants to protect his woman he should fight for her. Eddies views on manliness cause a lot of conflict throughout the play. The first instance of this is when Eddie criticises Catherines new dress I think its too short he then goes on to say that Catherines walkin wavy. This is showing that Eddie doesnt want men to be perving over her and this causes conflict as Catherine is young and immature and doesnt realise that the men are like that. The next instance of Eddies views causing a conflict is when Catherine tells him shes got a job. Straight away Eddie is on the offensive, or what could be called an offensive defence, when he says NO-NO you gonna finish school Catherine tries to calm him down but Eddie continues, You cant take no job. Why didnt you ask me Eddie begins to calm down when he finds out she hasnt accepted the job yet, but becomes strangely nervous and continues to cause conflict with abrupt answers and repudiating any attempt to sway him. This again shows that his views that a man should provide for his family and woman should do what there told causes even more conflict. It is not only Catherine that Eddie causes conflicts with; he can even cause a conflict with Rodolfo when hes not there. This happens when Rodolfo is at the pictures with Catherine and Beatrice makes a comment that Rodolfo is a nice kid Eddie reacts aggressively to this he gives me the heebie-jeebies and starts insulting the way Rodolfo acts and that its not manly he sings on the ships theyre callin him, Canary this is showing that when someone doesnt conform to his views on masculinity he wont hold back in saying so. Throughout A View from the Bridge Rodolfo fails over and over again to conform to Eddies image of masculinity a pivotal moment of this is when he starts to sing paper doll just minutes after arriving. Eddie thinks that your clothes, the way you look, music and seeing sites isnt that important where as this is all Rodolfo seems to spend his money on. This leads to a pivotal and dramatic event in the play when Eddie comes home drunk to find that Catherine and Rodolfo have been in the bedroom together he immediately thinks the worst and tells Rodolfo to get out of his house. Catherine argues with him and then decides that she has to leave as well but Eddie grabs her. Rodolfo reacts angrily to this and flies at Eddie in attack. To this Eddie pins him to the floor and unexpectedly kisses him. Eddie gets up with tears rolling down his face and laughs, mocking Rodolpho. This is a big moment as it is the first time Eddie as acted to back up his displeasure of the way Rodolfo has acted but it evidently hasnt helped his cause of getting Catherine to split up with him and has in fact caused more of a friction between himself and Catherine. Marco, Rodolfos brother, is the complete opposite of Rodolfo and portrays a conventionally masculine appearance. For this reason Eddie is more partial to Marco than Rodolfo and quite often ignores Rodolfo and addresses Marco even when the two of them are together. Arthur Miller uses Marcos manliness as a climatic moment on more than one occasion. For example at the end of Act One Marco and Eddie have a test of strength. One may presume that Eddie would be the one to challenge Marco but on the contrary it is Marco who initiates the challenge as a show of strength, power and masculinity. He does this because Eddie had taught Rodolfo how to box as an excuse to fight him and therefore proof his manliness. Marco does the same thing with the test of strength because after Eddie cant lift the chair Marco doesnt laugh or rub it in his face and just lifts the chair without emotion and then again without emotion looks Eddie in the eye chair raised above his head and gives a defiant warning for Eddie to keep away from his brother. Arthur Miller uses Marcos manliness again to as a climax to the play. The play ends with Marco pressing a knife into Eddies chest and without emotion lets him fall to the ground still clutching the knife that has ended his life. This gives a dramatic end to the play and shows that although Eddie was always critical of others when they werent manly and strong, the fact that he wasnt man enough and strong enough ended his life.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Importance of HRM for the Function of Organisations

Importance of HRM for the Function of Organisations The functioning of modern organizations is highly dependent on the effectiveness of human resource management, which affects consistently the organizational development. In actuality, human resources comprise important assets of any organization. In such a situation, many organizations are concerned with the improvement of the performance of human resources through motivating employees and developing effective approaches to human resource management. Traditionally, human resource management played an important role in the effective functioning of an organization. At the same time, the present epoch is characterized by the development of numerous human resource challenges which were practically unknown in the past. In such a situation it is extremely important to clearly identify the problem or problems and their major causes in order to be able to cope with the HR challenges and maintain normal functioning of organizations. In this respect, it should be said that the wide implementat ion of new technologies is one of the main HR challenges many organizations working in different fields, including healthcare, face since they create serious problems caused by the gaps in the professional qualification of the personnel and the wide implementation of new technologies. In such a context, it is obvious that human resource management affects consistently the performance of organizations and the improvement of the organizational process that can be achieved through effective motivation of employees and effective leadership. In the contemporary business environment, human resources play an extremely important role because the development of organization occurs on the ground of the introduction of innovations. The introduction of innovations helps companies to take a leading position in the market and get competitive advantages over their rivals. In fact, the potential of human resources may be the major source of innovations because employees are able to generate new knowledge and introduce innovations. In this regard, the improvement of the organizational performance occurs due to the effective human resource management that can stimulate employees to innovative activities. At the same time, the effective human resource management may be a serious challenge for organizations. On analyzing the major HR challenges caused by the implementation of new technologies, it should be pointed out that probably the most serious problem is the lack of experience and essential skills of the personnel to work with new equipment and apply new technologies in practice. To put it more precisely, the current development of new technologies turns to be faster than the professional training of the personnel. What is meant here is the fact that professionals simply do not have knowledge, skills and experience to practically implement new technologies (Notorantonio, 2006). As a result, new technologies that could be very perspective and could increase substantially the work of the personnel and the performance of the organization at large are used only partially or, at any rate, their potential is not fully used. At the same time, the implementation of new technology and the lack of essential skills and knowledge engender another serious challenges the necessity of the professional training of the personnel in order to increase the qualification of professionals and prepare them to work effectively with new technologies. However, it should be said that the organization of training courses and implementation of some educational programs may be viewed only as a partial solution of this problem because in the modern, rapidly progressing world it is practically impossible that professionals could maintain the high professional level only with the help of special training or some educational programs (Clarke, 2001). In fact, nowadays, good professionals should be able to acquire new knowledge and develop new skills independently from any training programs or educators. In fact, self-education should become the major trend in the preparation of professionals to work in the modern world. In such a way, they should learn to progress constantly and improve their professional level without any external assistance but on the basis of their own skills and abilities to acquire new knowledge and develop new skills. Today, organizations attempt to keep their employees motivated and satisfied with their position and work that contributes to the higher productivity and effectiveness of work and, therefore, it contributes to the better organizational performance. In such a situation compensation methods and benefit programs may be crucial for employees and organizations, but it is important to understand the fact that compensation and financial stimuli are not the only factors that can have a positive impact on the organizational performance. First of all, it should be said that compensation methods are primarily used to motivate employees work better. In this respect, it should be said that such motivation heavily relies on the idea of utility as the cornerstone of the utilitarianism. In other words, the motivation is defined by individuals needs and interests, which are prior to all other factors that can motivate him/her. To put it more precisely, the utilitarian approach to the motivation stands on the ground that people are more likely to get motivated to do some actions, for instance, when they get some benefits from it and, on the contrary, the risk of losses or some harm that may be caused by these actions is an important factor that decreases considerably the motivation of an individual. It should be pointed out that the utilitarian approach to the motivation heavily relies on the rationalism of an individual since, in terms of this theory, human actions are determined by their utility or profitability (Clarke, 2000). This means that it is only a perspective of some benefits that can really motivate a person, but, on the other hand, such a utilitarian view implies that an individual should evaluate carefully all his/her action and motivation is also rationally justified and evaluated because it is on the basis of the racial judgment an individual can get either motivated or non-motivated to take an action. At first glance, such an approach seems to be logical and quite convincing, but, in actuality, it proves to be rather naÃÆ' ¯ve because such a view on the motivation means that people are unable to spontaneous actions. In other words, the motivation is rather a rational act than a spontaneous or unplanned act. In such a context, the use of financial compensation seems to be efficient. At the same time, different types of compensations may have different effects. For instance, skill-based pay implies that employees skills play the primary role in their benefits. Hence, they are motivated to train and improve their qualification, but, on the other hand, it does not ensure really effective and productive work because the quantity or productivity of work is not mirrored in benefit programs and compensations. The same trend may be traced in regard to the competence play. On the other hand, compensation and benefit programs cannot rely solely on the productivity of employees, the amount of products or services they create and provide for customers because it does not stimulate the professional development of employees. In this respect, the variable pay seems to be the most balanced compensation and benefit program because it stimulates both professional development of employees along with high effectiveness and productivity of their work. As a result, employees are interested to work better and, what is more important, they are conscious of the fact that if they learn, train and improve their qualification they will have better career prospects and higher benefits. In such a situation, the motivation of employees is very important because it contributes to the improvement of the organizational performance consistently. At the same time, the development of effective human resource management and motivation of employees leading to the consistent improvement of their organizational performance is impossible without the effective leadership. The process improvement occurs in the course of the organizational development, which is grounded on the development of the human resource management and effective leadership that helps employees to maximize the effectiveness of their organizational performance. In this respect, it is important to lay emphasis on the fact that the organizational performance is grounded on the effective leadership and the process improvement is impossible without the leadership as well. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that the leadership contributes to the consistent improvement of the organizational performance. However, contemporary leaders pay a particular attention to the improvement of the organizational performance through the improvement of the effectiveness of the human resource management. In actuality, leaders are particularly effective in motivating of employees. At this point, it is important to lay emphasis on the fact that effective leaders can motivate employees without using financial motivators. Consequently, organizations can save costs and maximize their organizational performance using the power and leadership qualities of their leaders to motivate employees and to maximize their performance. Moreover, charismatic and effect ive leaders can encourage their employees to develop innovations and introduce innovative approaches to their work. Therefore, the development of the effective leadership style can be crucial for the process improvement and the improvement of the organizational performance. In actuality, it is possible to distinguish different leadership styles which are considered to be effective. In this respect, it is possible to single out transformational leadership style as one of the most effective leadership styles in the contemporary business environment. In fact, the transformational leadership style facilitates the introduction of changes and innovations in organizations and managers can use the transformational leadership style to maximize the effectiveness of the organizational performance. The transformational leadership style implies that leaders act as stewards to their employees and guide them in the course of the introduction of change, innovation, or their regular work. In such a way, leaders close the gap between them and their subordinates and help to facilitate the introduction of changes and maximize the effectiveness of the performance of employees. Therefore, the organizational performance depends consistently on the effectiveness of the leaders hip and human resource management. In such a situation, leaders can stimulate and motivate their employees to improve their performance and the organizational performance at large that leads to the overall improvement of the organizational development. Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is important to lay emphasis on the fact that contemporary organizations depend on the effectiveness of the performance of their human resources and leadership. In this regard, leaders can facilitate the introduction of changes and other processes that improve the organizational development and organizational performance. In fact, the motivation of employees and ability of managers to introduce changes contribute consistently to the improvement of the organizational performance. As a result, it is possible to estimate that the rapid technological development, leading to numerous HR challenges related to the unpreparedness of professionals to the practical implementation of these technologies and leading to the necessity of organization of training courses and educational programs, can be used more effectively if the personnel comes prepared and being conscious of the necessity to continue their education and development of new skills and knowledge on their own as a part of their professional development. Consequently, modern organizations are dependent on the leadership, motivation of employees, effective human resource management that facilitates and improves the organizational performance. References Anonymous (1994, May). New technologies will impact HR departments. HR Focus 71 (5), 11. Clarke, R. L. (2000).   Investing in the human resource.   Healthcare Financial Management 54 (2); 16. Keener, R. (1999, May). Problems for everyone in IT staffing needs. Healthcare Management Technology 20 (4), 10. Minehan, M. (1997, December). Technologys increasing impact on the workplace. HR Magazine 42 (12), 168. Notorantonio, R. (2006).   Going Once, Going Twiceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Health Management Technology 27 (2), 30. United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (2003). Employment Unemployment.   Retrieved on December 8, 2003, from

The Success of a New Product Essay -- Marketing Toilet Seats Retail Co

The Success of a New Product Feasibility Analysis Introduction Our product is a toilet seat that lifts up with the step of a pedal. The purpose of our report is to test whether or not our product will be of success and or test what things are necessary to launch our business, J.J.L. Industries. Concept Testing The ‘Toilet Stepper’ was tested using a survey that was designed to understand the bathroom experiences and habits of all types of individuals (Male, female, young, mid-aged, old). When discussing the concept with the surveyed individuals we found that overall everyone thought it was a good idea, however, some males felt it was sexist that they needed to have to pick up the toilet seat and put it down when finished. These individuals felt that a woman should have to put down the toilet seat and lift it back up when they are done with it. (These were generally married couples). While asking some key industry participants such as Home Depot and Menards about the idea and survey they tended not to comment, stating it was against company policy and/or the boss was overlooking them and they would prefer not to take part in the survey. The most information we received through them was through the verbal conversation which we will call ‘interviews’. Through the ‘interviews’ we found that the industry participants felt that it was a good idea and also found it quite humorous. Our Concept Statement was mainly showed to relatives, friends, classmates, and strangers. Unfortunately the our concept statement was not shown to companies/businesses due to the fact that companies could neither partake in the activity (company policy/work time) or they didn’t have time for ‘non-serious’ business related issues. Overall we learned that just about everyone is picky about restrooms/toilets. We also learned that it is very hard to get information from key people when there is no reward or benefit in return. Being viewed at as a student doing research rather than a business partner, company managers/employees don’t seem to have or want to take the time to help you. If we were to do this again we would most likely hide the fact that we are students taking introducing an idea and taking a survey and pretend more like we are actually in the business of selling these ‘Toilet Steppers’. Usability Testing We conducted our u... ... toilet stepper is not really high because of all of the capital that was given to us by Louie’s father and how inexpensive it is to produce the product. The break-even point in units is 2,280, which is a low number for the year. This means that we would have to sell about 44 units per week to get the $45,000 dollars that the three owners put into the company at the beginning of the year. The rate of return that we are looking at is about 115% on three owners’ investments. The rate of return is high, but that is also because the net income is high, since our costs are low. The rate of return could change, of course, depending on what the plans for the company are in the future. Works Cited Chantanuser, Wichit. â€Å"Bowled over: Toto of Japan Elevates Mundane Bathroom Fixtures† Bangkok Post 27 May 2005 â€Å"The Nearest† 1 Nov 2005 â€Å"The Toilet Marketplace† Supple House Times 1 Nov 2005 0,5333,107103,00.html Stratton, Lee. â€Å"Super Toilet Not Only Rises to Occasion But Refreshes.† The Columbus

Monday, August 19, 2019

Examine Miller’s presentation of John Proctor :: English Literature

Examine Miller’s presentation of John Proctor and the Circumstances which lead to his choosing to be executed. Although the events of the play are based on events that took place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692, Miller was liberal in his fictionalisation. For example, the affair between farmer, husband, and father John Proctor, and the Minister’s teenage niece, Abigail Williams, drive many of the accusations of witchcraft in the play – in fact at the time of the Witch Trials, Williams would only have been around eleven and Proctor would have been in his sixties. The play, written in 1953, was in response to Senator McCarthy and the ‘House Un-American Activities Committee's’ crusade against supposed communist sympathisers, in which Miller became embroiled. When he testified in front of a congressional committee in 1956 he refused to reveal any names and so was held in contempt. The decision was overturned two years later. One of Miller's most powerful devices in the play is his use of irony: dramatic, verbal, and situational irony. Verbal irony is a figure of speech in which the speaker intends to be understood as meaning something that contrasts with the literal or usual meaning of what he says. One example of this is when John Proctor says ‘Good. Then her saintliness is done with’, mentioning Abigail. However, Proctor does not actually believe that Abigail is a saint. The affair makes her a sinner, because he is married to Elizabeth. However, he says this line because the rest of the town, and most importantly, the courts believe that she is believable and truthful. In effect, he tries to convince the court and the people of her â€Å"unsaintliness†, by bringing to their attention her sins, but to no avail; this is one of the most important circumstances which lead to his choosing to be executed. Another example has Proctor telling his wife ‘It’s winter in here yet.’ However, it is actually spring, as in the same dialogue he asks her to go walking in the field with him so that they may pick flowers and bring them into their home. Proctor really means to tell his wife that their home is cold, that there is no sign of love. He believes that when his wife fills the home with warmth and love, he is forgiven for his sin of lechery, and only then can he continue normally with his life. By using this type of irony, Miller’s characters indirectly bring something to our attention, which could not otherwise be done. Situational irony is a discrepancy between what we expect and what occurs. This is the second type of irony used in the play.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Private Choice Essays -- Education Schooling Essays

The Private Choice Think of all the notable people you may consider as highly educated. If you look deep enough, chances are you can find out about their education, which is often private. Why do some people prefer a private education? What even classifies as a private school? One definition given by the Encyclopedia of American Education is â€Å"in modern American education, any school not operated or directly funded by a governmental agency† (793); these include religious, non-sectarian, military, postgraduate, and special education schools. Private Education is beneficial because it provides specialized programs, presents higher standards, includes more involvement of the parents or guardians, and may soon be available to more people through government vouchers. Private institutions are wonderful for those pursuing a specific field of education. A child who has a goal of becoming a scientist will learn more about that career choice at a school that emphasizes science than if they were to only take the classes offered through their local high school. There is only so much that can be taught in the public setting that still maintains the attention of the majority of the students in the class. In his book Choosing Equality, Joseph H. Viteritti states that â€Å"private school curricula offer students a narrower range of educational options and are more focused on academic, as opposed to vocational, subjects† (81). With the help of the more concentrated learning in a specific area, the students may even get through school faster and on to better things. I think that it is a great option for those who do not want to waste their time doing things in school that they deem meaningless. In addition, some privat... ...eir autonomy†¦[and] are unlikely to participate in a voucher program that would require them to meet accountability standards in [certain] areas† (Liberator 2). These opposing views are primarily why the issue is still in debate. Whether you were privately educated or attended a public school, you still were able to obtain an education. Private schools often offer opportunities that you may not be able to find in every public school. Some individuals are quite satisfied with their local public school and find nothing wrong with their child being taught there. For those who can afford it (unless the voucher option ever passes), they choose to take advantage of everything private institutions have to offer, from a better quality staff and atmosphere to more in-depth studies to more satisfaction on the parents’ part. It is all a matter of personal choice.

Saturday, August 17, 2019


List specific examples to support your assessment. The assessment is dysfunctional and poorly structured. The reason for this is no one is on the same page. They cannot work as a group. They let their personal issues get in the way of making dissensions for the company. B. What is your assessment of Charlie Moor's effectiveness as the leader of his team? Provide specific examples that support your assessment. CharlieMoor's effectiveness is not working for him nor the company. The reasons are he is not a forceful manager like they had in the past. He cannot decide on the best results for the company based on information that is provided to him. He cannot keep his employees at bay. C. What should Charlie do to move the team toward a consensus on the immediate problems facing the company? Give specific examples of actions Charlie should take. Charlie should make the final decision based on the information he has been given. He needs to find a way to cut expenses and develop a better ope rating procedure while introducing new mix-in flavors of ice cream.D. What could Charlie do to improve the performance of the team in the future? Give several examples. Charlie could involve his team with more decision making based on the business issues. The examples for this would be to have weekly meetings with each department and weekly group meeting so that all departments are on the same page and up to date on what is going on with the company at the present time. Charlie can also send out monthly news letters to all employees and encourage everyone to summit their opinion on how to make the company better no matter their position.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Futility Case

Baby Chris was born at 23 weeks gestational age (40 weeks gestation is full-term) and weighs about 1. 2 pounds. Because of extreme prematurity and extremely low birth weight, this baby has less than a 10% chance of surviving. Even if the baby survives, the likelihood of very serious physical and developmental damage (cerebral palsy, blindness, hearing impairments, respiratory impairments, and other problems) is very high. (In one recent study, ALL of the infants who survived long enough to be discharged from intensive care had significant long-term damage.) Treatment, that is, treatments, would be invasive, painful, and would continue over a long period of time. It is really so sad that a newborn baby would begin his life under such very difficult circumstances. What is worse is that the treatments that would supposedly save him would instead condemn him into the most compromised existence possible. Instead of living the normal, carefree existence of a child, Chris would have a life that is forever associated with pain, medicines, surgeries, and rehabilitation.Not even an adult can handle such a distressing way of life. But the doctors of Chris cannot just refrain from giving him treatments. They are doctors, after all, and it is their duty to cure the sick. Even the hospital policy and the courts would certainly agree with them. Furthermore, it is the right of the sick to receive treatment that would cure him or her of his ailment. Does this mean that the physicians of Chris can virtually turn him into a human guinea pig?While a doctor has an obligation to cure the ailing, the welfare of his or her patient must always be prioritized above this duty (Cohen-Kohler and Illingworth 366). In the context of the subject of the limits of medicine, the concept of patient welfare is synonymous to the rights to informed consent and to have a say on the treatment plan that the doctor devised. Simply put, any steps that a physician will take to continue or withhold treatme nt must be fully explained to the patient beforehand and carried out with his or her consent.Furthermore, the wishes of the patient must be taken into consideration. However, because Chris is a newborn baby (making him a minor in the eyes of the law), it is his parents who should make the final decisions on a treatment plan for him. In both the legal and the social perspectives, the parents are considered as the primary custodians of their children (Maccoby and Mnookin 282). Unless it has been proven that they are incapable of carrying out their responsibilities as parents, it is they who are supposed to decide for their minor children.It is permissible to make Chris comfortable but not start treatments that would prolong his life. It must be remembered that because he is premature and has very low birth weight, his survival rate it less than 10%. Should Chris survive, he will spend his entire life battling serious health conditions such as cerebral palsy, blindness, hearing impairm ents, and respiratory impairments. Furthermore, the treatments that will be administered in order to prolong his life are invasive and painful and would last indefinitely.The problem with many doctors is that in their excessive zeal to carry out their duty, they reduce the concept of human life to biological normality (Stark 6). Their idea of a cured patient is someone who is biologically alive and is free of infirmity, never mind if the treatments that are given to him or to her severely reduce the quality of his or her life. Medicine should not be limited to the elimination of disease or the treatment of an injury. Rather, medicine must treat illness and/or injury with the goal of restoring the overall health and functionality of a person.As the World Health Organization (WHO) puts it, health is â€Å"a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity† (qtd. in Furber 192). Under the present circumstances, therefore, it is not permissible to do everything possible to save Chris’ life. Even the most radical treatments would save him only in the sense that he would be kept biologically alive. These would not completely spare Chris from the debilitating effects of cerebral palsy, blindness, hearing impairments, and respiratory impairments.Worse, these treatments would make him suffer even more pain. Subjecting Chris to more treatments defeats the very purpose of medicine – restoring people to their fullest functionality by curing them of their disease and or injury. How can Chris live the life of a normal child if he cannot even get out of bed without machines attached to him? How can he and his parents enjoy life as a family if he constantly has to undergo painful and invasive long-term treatments? What is the point of keeping Chris alive if he will just spend the rest of life in illness and pain?Putting him on aggressive lifesaving treatment would merely worsen the situation. To be gin with, his chances of survival are only less than 10%. Should Chris live, he will endure a host of complications that would most likely end in death. He could likewise die while undergoing treatments – the human body can only take so much pain, medicines, surgeries, and rehabilitation. Simply put, with or without treatments, Chris is likely to succumb at any moment. By putting him on aggressive lifesaving treatments, his doctors are giving his parents false hopes.Instead of enabling them to prepare themselves for the impending death of their son, they are making them hold on to futile case. Babies are human beings and therefore, they also have the right to live and die with dignity. Doctors do not have the right to withhold this from them simply because they do not have the capacity to decide for themselves and/or because of a misplaced idea of what medicine should accomplish. Works Cited Cohen-Kohler, Jillian Clare and Patricia Illingworth. â€Å"Access to Medicine and t he Role of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Need to Craft a Global Pharmaceutical Systemwith Integrity. † The Cambridge Textbook of Bioethics Eds. Peter A. Singer and Adrian M. Viens. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 359-368. Furber, Christine. â€Å"Promoting Health to Men. † Men’s Health: An Introduction for Nurses and Health Professionals. Eds. Tony Harrison and Karen Dignan. London: Harcourt Brace and Company Limited, 1999. 191-210. Maccoby, Eleanor E. and Robert H. Mnookin. Dividing the Child: Social and Legal Dilemmas of Custody. 3rd ed. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1992. Stark, Andrew. The Limits of Medicine. New York, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Automobile Safety Essay

Intro Automobiles! You just have to have one in this fast paced world! In the United States, or maybe just in a popular city such as Los Angeles or New York, automobiles are necessary. People need to move from point A to point B. These points can be as close as a few hundred feet or even range up to a few hundred miles! When making these trips safety is a priority. There are hundreds of thousands of automobiles on the roads across the nation and if safety was not considered, thousand would be injured or even killed daily! Automobile safety has come a long way over the years and as every day goes by more and more new ways are created to keep drivers, and their passengers, safe on the road. Thesis Since the automobile was first created, more and more safety precautions have been taken to make an automobile ride as safe as possible. I will provide information on how to keep you and your car up to date with some precautions to ensure safety on the road. Preview. We will begin with examples and tips on how to choose the safest automobile on the road, then we will look at precautions automobile companies are taking to keep you safe, and finally we will see some issues that are still to be taken care of as the automobile industry soars. Point 1 There are many different automobile companies providing buyers with many styles of cars, trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles. Toronto Star January 14, 2005 present ways to approach the automotive buying process. There are many different surveys, crash reports, and rating systems comparing different companies and their vehicles. Things you should look for when reading these published articles are who conducted the study? Who paid for it? Who gains from it? Who loses? These are all things to keep eye on as some automotive companies will run their own surveys making their products seem overpowering against the competition. Some prove their products are safer then the competition where the competition has been proven time and time again to make that survey seem inaccurate. The consumer is the biggest target for these falsifying surveys. The act of choosing the right size, shape, and color all have their own place in the process, but choosing the make of the automotive is the real hurdle some people get stuck on. Country Living November 2005 presents to the consumer what new options are available on GM automobiles and trucks. They state that, â€Å"Only GM is committed to offering a full range of cars, trucks, and SUVs that offer GM continuous safety protection before, during, and thanks to On-Star technology, after vehicle collisions. † This is a prime example of how vehicle manufacturers sell their product to the consumer before the consumer steps foot into a dealership. The consumer, relying on this ad, will step foot, in this case, in a GM dealership and then decide what vehicle to chose depending on the models they offer. The consumer has now disregarded all other vehicle manufacturers just by relying on an ad. Almost all vehicle manufacturers have their own way of selling to consumers before consumers even see the line of vehicles they offer. Catchy slogans and ads are things all manufacturers use to gain their consumers attention. Transition from 1 to 2 Now that we saw what vehicle manufacturers are doing to get your attention, lets look at the statistics on which manufacturer actually provides you with the safety that they claim. Point 2 Newswire US February 9, 2006 states valuable information about automotive safety. Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis of active and passive safety systems in the US and consumer’s desirability and willingness to pay for such systems recognized Volvo as the recipient of the 2005 U. S. Consumer Choice of the Year Award for Brand Offering the Best Overall Automotive Safety. This particular survey was conducted using over 1,000 U. S. consumers. What this survey tells the consumer is valuable in making a decision. By stating that Volvo has received this award doesn’t mean other manufacturer’s vehicles are unsafe. This survey only states that you get the safety you pay for with Volvo vehicles and also that Volvo customers are satisfied with their vehicles. One of the things that helped Volvo achieve this award is that they provide standard three-point safety belts, which is one of the industries most cost effective vehicular safety features. Volvo was also one of the first brands to adopt padded dashboards, ergonomic seats, disk brakes, crumple zones, split steering columns, integrated child booster cushions, and side airbags. Recent additions to Volvos signature safety features are whiplash protection seating systems, rollover protection system, roll stability control, and their intelligent vehicle architecture. Volvo has been around for over 75 years and they been amazing their customers with better and stylish vehicles every time they renew or introduce a new model. Transition from 2 to 3 Now that we seen how advertisement and research studies on safety can help the consumer make their decision, let us look at some issues vehicle manufacturers have and what precautions can be taken to avoid danger on the road. Point 3 Tires. No matter what vehicle manufacturer you chose, there is always the fear of getting a flat tire or even having a tire explode while the vehicle is in motion. Tire manufacturers design all kinds of tires such as Run-Flats, which are basically thicker tires with insulation that allow the vehicle to be driven even though the tire is flat. Just like vehicle manufacturers, there are many different tire manufacturers. This is where the safety issue comes in. Tires can reach high temperatures while in motion. As the tire is turning even a small nail can cause it to explode. Keep in mind that the tire has air in it. The faster the tire rotates the more pressure it has being exerted outward from the center of the rim. To think a little hair pin or paperclip can have no affect on a tire as it is still, this is not the case as the tires are under higher pressure and are prone to damage or explode when any sharp or pointy object is present to the tire. Fleet Owner February 1st, 2006 present an article to the consumer about Automatic tire inflation systems. Some newer vehicles, such as the Cadillac Escalade, offer this new mechanism. There is an automatic pressure gauge in each tire. When the tire is deflated past the minimum psi needed for the tire to operate properly, an on-board air compressor is triggered to bring the pressure inside the tire to proper level. This new mechanism can help reduce tire damage due to driving with deflated tires, which also results in the tire exploding, but you must still be cautious yourself as there might be many objects on the road that can still cause damage to any tire. Restated Thesis Now you have better knowledge on Vehicle and road safety. Summary We began looking at what consumers should look for in a vehicle when purchasing it in regards to safety and advertising flaws. Then we moved on to the statistics that proved Volvo to be the safest automobile manufacturer of 2005. And finally we were informed about conditions that automotive manufacturers have no control over by using the tire pressure and road conditions as examples. Conclusion Safety is the number on thing automobile manufacturers have in mind no matter what type of vehicle they design. Different manufacturers have different safety standards, but there is one overall manufacturer that is awarded with the safest line of cars award. In 2005 it was Volvo. The Volvo automotive group has succeeded in meeting their safety goals. But at the same time there are other conditions that still lie between point A and point B. As safe as your car can be, always take caution when driving no matter where u may be. Keep your eyes on the road and be safe everyone. Works Cited – â€Å"Vehicle safety has come a long way over the years,† The Toronto Star, 14 January 2006, Pg G06. – â€Å"Road to progress paved with potholes,† USA Today, 15 November 2005, Pg 3B. – â€Å"Volvo Cars receives Frost & Sullivan’s U. S. Consumer Choice Award; Volvo Brand Named Best Overall Automotive Safety,† PR Newswire US, 9 February 2006. – â€Å"More complex cars and more stricter rules lead to more recalls,† The New York Times, 26 October, 2005, Pg. 32. – â€Å"Road transport: Safety remains a major problem,: European Report, 18 February, 2006, Pg. 323. – â€Å"What’s new in: Tire Inflation,: Fleet Owner, 1 February, 2006 – â€Å"Going the extra mile: your guide to continuous automotive safety,† Country Living, November 2005, Pg. 96A.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Modern medicine helps to live a longer life Essay

Modern medicine helps to live a longer life. Do you agree? The modern medicine is very important for living a long life. It is depend on new technology. People take very easy and quickly. Also modern medicine is very quick absorbing to human body. It is helps to back to normal for people health condition. Therefore I agree that the modern medicine is helps to live longer. First of all, the modern medicine can prevent incurable diseases. Doctors can find some diseases very early. Then doctors can give suitable medicines to patients. New modern equipments are helpsdoctors is going to correct way. Also intelligent people in the world live a long life on helps from modern medicine. That is very important in the human society because their creative things are coming with them and they can help others for a longer time when they are livingin long life with comfortably. Beside, old population is increasing in the country. It is badly effect incountry’s economy and especially for third world countries. But old people are very important in human society because their experience definitely helps to living safely and planning to new project. ‘Experience is better than qualifications’ However, old people are living a long life; it is helping others to live a long life because we can get advice from them and they are covering our culture and society. Moreover, modern medicine is being addictive for some people, so that they cannot live without medicine. They should take medicine all their lives. Also modern medicine is very expensive. Therefore most of poor countries couldn?t take modern medicine and it has taken a commercial shape, also it is depending on money. In the modern medicine have not facts of human kindness. People who have money can take modern medicine. But indigenous medicine has well human friendly shape. It does not depend on money. To summarize; in my personal view, modern medicine is helping to live a long life with comfortably. Modern technologies are being supported to find unburnable diseases very early. So doctors can takecorrect path immediately. Therefore, may I not hesitate to agree with the above mentioned statement.

Strategy management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategy management - Essay Example Investors and the general public have become increasingly aware of the social, ethical and environmental contributions of the companies towards the society (Schwartz, 2011, p.29). These acts of social contribution help to develop a brand of goodwill for the companies. The acts on corporate social responsibility spreads a message that the company is a responsible citizen and is there to co-exist for longer period of time. This develops faith among the consumers and investors that influences their decision in favour of entering into relationship, transactions and investment in the companies. As a long term effect, corporate social responsibility increases the prospects of business growth, profitability and sustainability. Here lies the motivation of companies for adoption of corporate social responsibility measures. The Switzerland based Alliance Boots is no exception for adoption of corporate social responsibility (Horrigan, 2010, p.37). The company gets motivation for adoption of cor porate social responsibility as it leads to long term growth, increased market share and profitability. Alliance Boots is an international pharmacy-based health and beauty products provider in several countries across the world. The group acknowledges corporate social responsibility as an integral part of their business as they understand the relationship between a good business and being a good corporate citizen of the society (Banerjee, 2007, p.49). The community, environment, marketplace and the workplace are the focus areas for undertaking corporate social responsibility of the companies. Considering the example of Alliance Boots, the company contributes though its chain of pharmacies and independent pharmacies to develop the health standards of the community. The group is also committed to be a leader in mitigating the threats to the environment like global warming. This is done by undertaking active part to reduce carbon emissions to the environment. In order to integrate acti vities of corporate social responsibility into business process, the market place activities and the workplace activities of companies are dominated by their core business values, mission and vision. Apart from this, the companies have a strong system of governance that monitors and controls the activities of the employees and the business activities. For example, Alliance Boots exhibits all these features while undertaking corporate social responsibility (Crowther and  Rayman-Bacchus, 2004, p.35). Strategies of companies driven by the ethical issues and corporate social responsibility The strategies adopted by the companies are influenced by the ethical approach towards their business and is driven by activities of corporate social responsibility. In order to be ethical in conduct of their business, the companies focus on tightening their system of governance in order to achieve business integrity and at the same time contribute to build a better workplace, develop the community and environment (Mallin, 2007, p.35). For example, Alliance Boots have strategically developed and modelled score card for corporate social responsibility. The score card is strategically implemented as a part of tightening the governance of the company to track and monitor the activities of the employees and the company towards activities on corporate social